Friday, May 7, 2010

Boro was his Name O - Part 2

I am totally attached to the name katy cunningham. Saying my first and last names together is hard to resist - isn't it?

Katy veysman is also cute, but not as cute as kate veysman.

A dual name change? I just don't know if it's going to fly! I would like to have the same name as Boro though. Maybe we should choose an entirely new one. I'll have to think about this one for a while longer.

Here's where I'll go to change my name for free - if I change it at all (Pending June 6th answer)

Here's this link again from the super reasonable husband!


  1. Scott and I are both changing our last names to his mother's maiden name- we thought it would be nice for both of us to change our names as a symbol of beginning a new life together. So I say go for it! ;)
